Sunday, February 9, 2014

How to approach the GMAT

I have faced this question a lot of times.

Questions such as:

"How do I start preparing for my GMAT?"

"How important is QA? DS?"

"What about that new section, does it matter?"

"English can be tough for someone from the Indian subcontinent, how should I approach English?"

Well, I will attempt to present a strategy to lay those doubts to rest. And hopefully after reading this, you will have a perspective on how to go about it.

The key success factor (KSF) to be a good leader (I omit the word business before leader) as I have found is to ask the right kind of questions.

I urge you to take a weekend off any thing that plagues your mind and think along these lines.

1. Where am I and what am I doing?

The answer to this question will probably help you develop a deeper insight into what you really are doing.

For example:
I am an IT-Engineer. I test code. Essentially my company pays me for generating reports and sending emails. I know a tool or two that is really critical to the project/ product I am working on.

My bosses seem to like the work I am doing, but I don't know what is next.

I am in this peaceful city where I know where the best pubs are at. I know all the best eateries, and all the best places for camping and travelling within a 300 km radius (for the rest it is approx. 190 miles)

But I am kind of bored of this place, and I want to move out of this place.

I work for an FMCG company in their sales division. Every month end, I meet my manager to tell him how much of the sales target I accomplished. I have to meet distributors on a weekly basis to urge them to buy my company's products and I have to somehow squeeze money out of the retail outlets to show revenue inflow.

I have travelled extensively, but somehow I do not see myself doing anything different in the next two to three years.

...once you are done with such an analysis, it is time to take your thinking to the next level.

2. Why do I need/ want an MBA?

This can be a killer question. And will decide whether you want to appear for the GMAT or not.

Typically there are three broad categories of people who wish to take up the GMAT.

a. The ones who just want to enroll in an MBA program for the heck of it. (could be peer pressure).

I am quite convinced that some of us have friends who keep telling us stuff like:

"Wow, you are cut out for an MBA."

"You should totally do sales and marketing"

"You are so good with numbers, you should study finance, get into investment banking or something"

My suggestion to you. STOP.

Pause for a second and see whether an MBA is the right means to this end.

For example, if you are really good with numbers, why not look at doing an MFA, or an MS in Mathematics or study some more of statistics? An MBA is not just sales, marketing, numbers, finance. True it does touch upon all of that, but it does not touch JUST that. It looks at a whole lot of other stuff.

b. The ones who want to earn more money.

I know there are those among us, who think life after an MBA is driving in a luxury sedan, living out of suitcases, flying to different airports, having corporate brunches, dinners, and having the company of fine women/ men

STOP. Life after an MBA might not be as rosy as it may seem. The harsh reality is that, MBAs are in demand, sure, but the picture that an MBA brought with it is changing. These days, there are MBAs from top notch schools who have to ride on a jeepney to go meet a distributor in a remote part of some country and convince him in a language that perhaps might be unknown to buy SKUs of that shampoo that you think is the best in the world.

OR worse, you might be recruited by an IT company and be made to write test cases for a project that might already have 20 test engineers.

c. The ones who might really think that an MBA will add value, thus taking up the GMAT makes sense.

Now if you belong to the third category of people, you might either have already thought about the target industry you want to get into, the target roles you want to get, the target salaries that you might want to draw post your MBA.

This category could include people who wish to change their career tracks, to make a difference to this world and/ or just take a jump along the management ladder.

Quite frankly, such people are rare. But such people exist.

I know most B-schools in their application essays ask you why you wish to do the MBA, but honestly, very few people REALLY wish to study in an MBA program.

This is a cold and hard fact.

3. Now that you have figured out why you really need/ want an MBA, it is time to think about your GMAT.

Here you look at what kind of money you have with you to pursue an MBA. Needless to say, there are schools that have scholarship programs, but practically what are your odds? Do the math. I am sure, or to put it in QA terms, I am 95% confident to say that the chances of you getting a scholarship are extremely low.

Once you have a target budget in mind, look at the schools which you wish to apply to with that kind of budget.

There are good schools in all budget ranges. So if you wish to find any, just keep looking. You will find the right websites.

Once you are done with looking at schools you can afford. Look at where you want to be in future.

For example:

Adam wants to get into a marketing role with Johnson and Johnson in the state of California. He has can spend up to $ 40,000 on his MBA. He saw the prospective list of colleges he can cover within that budget.

Once sorted Adam ought to look at colleges where J&J has recruited for a similar profile.

Once he narrows his list down, he ought to look at the GMAT and work experience requirements.

Now with that demographic, he has his master lists of say 20 colleges ready.

With that list, look at the money you have now to spend on forms.

If you can afford only say 5 colleges, there are two things you ought to do.

1. Try visiting the colleges where you think you would have the most fun living around.
2. Try talking to the professors and students of those colleges about the student life, and culture.

Then you think about GMAT.


With the GMAT requirement of your target colleges sorted, here is how you may want to start.

Before preparing, just take a mock up of the real GMAT.

If your scores are awfully low, then start practicing stuff that you feel you are the least weak at.

The formula for cracking the GMAT is quite simple.


The simplest way to crack the GMAT is practice enough to get above 20% of the cut-offs from last year's average scores.

There are different schools of thoughts on whether the mock ups are a good representation of the GMAT scores. Truth be told, you need to take a minimum of 30. With the 30 scores, you find out what is the range your score lies in.

Armed with that number, you can almost accurately (with an error margin of about 10) predict what your actual GMAT score will be.

I will put up the working of such a method in my future post. But for now, lets just stick to that hypothesis.

The rest as they say is up to you.

..........more later.

First and foremost

To start this quite the MBA way, let me first mention the objective of this blog. 

1. Whatever I put down on this blog are my own reflections and does not intend to inadvertently hurt any individual or institution's feelings.

2. This can be used as reference for someone wanting to attempt the GMAT and then eventually target a b-school of their choice.

3. The cases discussed here are figments of my own imagination.

4. The characters might be real, but I will try my best to mask their real identities.

I will use the business model canvas, or at least part of it to specify the:

1. Intended Readers
2. Identify Key Partners
3. Identify the value proposition
4. Identify the channel
5. Identify the intended reader relations
6. Identify the key resources
7. Identify the revenue streams
8. Identify the activities
9. Identify the key costs

Now for Intended Readers, Relations and value:

1. The B-School students who wish to read something and: just smile, laugh, violently react, tear their hair in frustration, and/ or wish to buy a shotgun. I would love to, though, hear your reactions.

2. The B-School profs who wish to know a little bit more than they ought to, about what goes on in the class while they are lecturing us and/ or facilitating a session. It would be nice, if you said you do not know me, and subsequently just leave me a message.

3. The corporates, who wish to give me a job, though I think after reading this, they might be lost in their own sea of thought or worse, might re-think that job offer that I so desperately seek. Well, in the case that you seem to like what I write, please feel free to message me/ email me.

4. BeatTheGMAT folks, who might be aspiring to go get that MBA and/ or just want to validate that blog. In case you like what you see, a mention on your website would do me a world of good. Especially since I like seeing my name when I type it on google showing up in places I least expect it to.

5. The general public who have nothing better in the world to do except for search for obscure stuff on Google and might accidentally stumble upon this ridiculous bit of literature. If this blog helps you in any way, have no fear, share away and leave a comment.

Key Partners and Key Resources:

"There is no spoon"
- Morpheus, in the movie Matrix.

Ergo, there is no key partner. 

As for the Key Resource, yes, its me. Not a tree, or a Toy2R doll. Its just, me. If it helps, I can look up pictures of hot women reading a blog and post it here to say they are contributors, but apart from being booked for blatant wrong-doing and perhaps, a marketing gimmick, I see no other value to declaring anyone else as a partner. More so, since there is, quite frankly, none.

Channel and Costs (Revenue Streams):

You can subscribe to me. But I doubt you'd want to admit that you read my blog among your social circles. People might think you are just another 30 year old who is pretending to be 55. So cutting to the chase, except for actually reading this online, I doubt if you could do anything else.

The only thing it would cost me is time to write this, and for you, it would take time to read this. I ask for nothing more. Just your time.

I earn nothing from this blog. But only credit time. Debit what comes in, credit what goes out. So Credit Time. Hence, (Revenue). So no, I am not earning diddly squat from this.


I will blog. You will read/ Comment/ Share/ Like/ Recommend this if you like it. That is about it.

...thank you.

(word count: 656)

Special Mention: I do not own the Business Model Canvas. I am just talking about it. It is owned by Alexander Osterwalder (wiki says so)